Gerard Sheehan
Serving you in Fingal County Council
As a social care worker, who has worked with the youth, and
children living with special needs, Gerard brings enormous
understanding to the specific needs of families across our community. It was the poor services and lack of solid representation that has pushed Gerard into politics.
Since getting involved as a representative in Dublin 15, Gerard has become more aware of the wider issues that affect families.
“I have had the privilege of volunteering within our community for over 10 years.
And your issues genuinely matter to me.”
Ongar Community Gardens – A Third Space
It is a privilege to be a member of the community garden or 'Poly Tunnel' as it is known locally. We have a wonderful group of committed residents who give of their time to assist in this fantastic community resource which is a kind of Third Space for us all. Our...
Ongar Tidy Towns
The Ongar Tidy Towns Committee would be delighted to welcome new members to help us keep our community clean and tidy. Please get in touch if you are available to help.